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Install the RICOH Easy Migrate tool

To follow these steps to install the Ricoh Easy Migrate tool:

  1. Download the installer:

  2. Run the installer:

    • Locate the downloaded .msix file.

    • Double-click on the file to run the installer.

  3. Follow installation steps:

    • Check if the “Launch when ready” checkbox is checked

    • Click “Install” to proceed with the installation.


If you have a previous version of the RICOH Easy Migrate tool installed, the installer will ask you to update. Click “Update” to proceed with the update. This step can be skipped if the tool has not been installed before.

  1. Complete installation:

    • Wait for the installation/update process to finish.

    • Once completed, the installer will close and the RICOH Easy Migrate tool will start.

Once you have completed these steps, you have successfully installed the latest version of the RICOH Easy Migrate tool.

You may continue to migrate/copy the configuration of your current Ricoh machine to your new Ricoh machine by following the Step-by-step migration guide.

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